

-Second Rounder, Sundance Development Lab 2024, with co-writer Heather Shapiro with a dark comedy screenplay about abusive relationships.
-Her short film is part of an award-winning anthology now streaming on Amazon and other platforms.
-Transcription services with RLN Productions.
-Blog-to-video scripts for a creative development solutions company.
-Varying short-form comedic scriptwriting projects include:
-YouTube Channel with 100+ million views (research-based comedic content).
-Clovermead Farms, Canada (short form comedic scripts for animatronic show).
-YouTube channel animated content (250+ comedic micro scripts/jokes for food-
based animated content for children).
-Wrote, directed, and produced a short film, Uncertainship.
-Her quarantine web-series, Eloquent Bros, was featured on WhoHaha.
-Her sketch video, The Five Types of Quarantine Walkers, was featured by The Second City Hollywood.
-Co-wrote and performed in the web-series Dates with Patrick, which screened at Short Shorts in Chicago.
-Wrote and produced a sketch show, Citizen Sane at The Second City Chicago.


-Semi-finalist at the Los Angeles CineFest (Uncertainship as part of the anthology, The Edge of Her Mind)
-Won Best Feature categories at:
-The New York International Film Festival (Uncertainship as part of the anthology, The Edge of Her Mind)
-The Golden Gate Film Festival (Uncertainship as part of the anthology, The Edge of Her Mind)

-Graduate of The Conservatory Program, The Second City Hollywood.
-Graduate of The Harold Ramis Film School (now The Second City Film School), The Second City Chicago.
-Graduate of The Advanced Writing Program, The Second City Chicago.
Undergraduate degree in Broadcast Journalism & Digital Media, Kansas State University.